Specialistic examinations

Specialist medical clinics in Cosenza

At the Federico Radiology Clinic in Cosenza you can book various specialist medical visits, based on your needs and the prescription of your GP.

Carrying out specialist medical examinations is necessary when, after a consultation with the treating doctor, further investigation into a particular aspect of the disease or disorder is required, such as to require specific consultancy.

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Specialistic examinations

At the Federico Radiology practice it is also possible to carry out cardiological tests, echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, cardiological examination; endocrinological visits with thyroid ultrasound; Breast visits with breast ultrasound, electromyography visits.
Thanks to the modern equipment available to the centre, it is able to provide targeted and tailor-made consultancy for the problem to be solved. Doctors and professional collaborators work within the Federico Radiology Studio, constantly updated in order to guarantee increasingly high-quality specialist healthcare services.
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Why contact a specialist

It is important to rely on the expertise of a specialist, to act promptly and minimize the risk of complications. An early diagnosis, in many cases, can help find the best treatment and do it in time.

Specialist medical visits, therefore, represent the best solution to ascertain your state of health with a high degree of certainty and intervene to manage the situation, going to the root of the problem.

All the doctors at the Federico Radiology Studio provide you with high levels of expertise and cutting-edge equipment. Many years of experience in the sector of specialist medical visits represent real security.

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